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March 24, 2003

Vernal Equinox

Vernal Equinox

This past weekend, I got off my dead butt, and went out into the brilliant sunlight illuminating my front yard. After much waffling, we've decided to keep the lawn one more year. Since the garage is going to absorb the majority of my outdoor escapades, I'm not going to have time to design & install a rockscape (yech) this season. So I did a nice scalping of the lawn and then rented a gimpy manual aerator and broke my back puncturing holes in the sublawn hardpan. It occurred to me later on, in a moment of lesser retardation, that somebody who knew what they were doing would have watered the lawn before rolling that contraption around. I might've only needed 50 lbs of weight on it instead of like 120. Well whatever. I topped it off by overseeding, scattering fertilizer, watering and hoping for the best. Oh boy, the crabgrass is going gangbusters in the flowerbeds too. I got about half of the marauders dug out. The rest have to wait for next weekend.

Posted by Jeremy at March 24, 2003 1:50 PM