January 2015 Archives

Before the bad weather rolled in, I drove out to Cinder Hills Overlook at Sunset Crater to get some dark sky shots of the comet. The tail was not as prominent as it was from home the night before. After checking out the shots, it looks like it was fanned...
Venus and Mercury have been sharing space in the evening sky recently. This shot was taken along Route 66, east of Flagstaff. Venus-Mercury Conjunction - 8 January 2015 - 6:01PM (9 January 2015 - 0101 UT) I haven't made a trip to a dark sky location to observe, sketch and...

The Belt of Venus at Sunset Crater

The full Moon was rising on a clear evening with fresh snow on the ground. I knew Sunset Crater would be in top form, veiled in white, with the Belt of Venus framing it beautifully. I wasn't sure whether the moon would be in good position to add the finishing...

The Cerulean Arc

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