October 2010 Archives

NGC 6572 - The Blue Racquetball

Sketch of NGC 6572 (The Blue Racquetball)Click image for larger version. Observation Notes: NGC 6572 is a bright and colorful planetary nebula. At low power, it was nearly stellar, and strong blue-green in color. At 240X, it was slightly elongated at a PA of about 165 degrees (NNW-SSE). Although the...

NGC 6888 - The Crescent Nebula

Sketch of NGC 6888 (The Crescent Nebula)Click image for larger version. Observation Notes: The Crescent Nebula doesn't exactly jump out at you in the eyepiece. Some patience, averted vision, tapping/nudging of the telescope, and a dark sky are required. I observed this one from my front yard with an SQM...
Positive Sketch of 2010 PerseidsClick image to view larger version. Negative Sketch of 2010 PerseidsClick image to view larger version. Original Sketch of 2010 Perseids on Gnomonic Atlas TemplateClick image to view larger version. The October 2010 column describes methods for sketching and annotating a meteor shower observation. Also featured...

NGC 7006

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Sketch of NGC 7006Click image for larger version. Observation Notes: NGC 7006 appeared as a small, soft, symmetrical disc, moderately condensed. I estimated Shapley class IV and a bit more than 1 arc minute in diameter. I was unable to resolve it or detect any asymmetry. Sketch/DSS Photo Comparison of...

103P/Hartley - OCT 4, 2010

Sketch of comet 103P/Hartley Move mouse over sketch above to view labels.Click image for larger version. Observation Notes: Comet Hartly has not become as bright as hoped, but it is still an enjoyable telescopic target. Clouds from the day's thunderstorms cleared up enough that I was able to spend...
Photograph of Winter Milky Way over Sunset Craterwith sketches of deep sky objects in the area. Move mouse over sketch above to see where each deep sky object resides.Click image for larger version. Click here for larger version without call-out lines.. . . . . Other Print Versions: Vertical...

The Cerulean Arc

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