September 2008 Archives

38 Lyncis (Struve 1334)

Click image for larger version Observation Notes: My first attempt at measuring this double star on April 10th was foiled by a sudden deterioration in seeing. So I hit it again on the 12th when I was able to enjoy the interesting color contrast of this close double under more...

A Few Site Problems

If you tried to access my site over the last couple weeks, you've probably had trouble loading pages, especially from the 11th to 14th of September. It turns out the commenting script for my site was suddenly getting hammered really, REALLY bad by comment spammers--100 or more separate spams at...

The Cerulean Arc

My weblog for
everything else non-astronomy

Pin at will!

(Thanks for maintaining
return links.)

About this Archive

This page is an archive of entries from September 2008 listed from newest to oldest.

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