March 2008 Archives

Messier 64

Click image for larger version. Observation Notes: Home is not the best place to soak in galactic light, but I've got to take what I can get! After scooping up a variety of galaxies with my 15 x 70 binoculars, I decided to take a closer look at M64 with...
Click image for larger version Observation Notes: The fussy seeing provided a beautiful view of this brilliant double. The diffraction patterns shimmered and danced, adding a bit of challenge to viewing the pair, but also providing a mesmerizing, speckled light show. The primary of Castor appeared bright white while its...

Willard Springs Road Observing Site

The Willard Springs Road observing site as viewed from the eastern entry point, facing west. The Willard Springs Road observing site is a cindered clearing in the middle of ponderosa forest 14 miles south of Flagstaff on I-17. The available observing area is large and receives a nice windbreak...

The Cerulean Arc

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