January 2008 Archives

Measuring Double Stars - Page 1 of 3

A few months ago, I invested in a Meade 12 mm Astrometric Eyepiece that I could use in measuring double stars. I calibrated the eyepiece scale in June, and have used a few times since them. I'm definitely at the novice stage of using this eyepiece to measure doubles, but...
7) Insert the barlow through the hole in the protractor disc to check for fit. The fit should be snug and some twisting and wiggling may be needed to insert it the first time. If it is too snug, use your knife to evenly trim out a bit more material...
Calibrating the separation scale 1) Pick several stars from a list of calibration doubles. The table on page 3 of Ronald Charles Tanguay's article "Observing Double Stars for Fun and Science" is an excellent resource. Look for wider doubles to help reduce estimating errors. 2) Rotate the eyepiece so that...
One of the great values I attach to astronomical sketches is that they can help convey what an object looks like visually much better than a photograph can. However, there are some caveats I've been wanting to discuss. What you see in a well-executed sketch is not necessarily what the...

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