December 2006 Archives

Move mouse over sketch to see labels. Observation Notes: On the evening of this observation, I headed to Sunset Crater National Monument with the kids to see if we could catch a glimpse of the Aurora Borealis. That turned out to be a bust. But the kids had fun...
Move mouse over above sketch to view labels. Click the image for a large version to better see Jovian Moons (100K). Observation Notes: Oh boy did I have a hard time waking up for this one. I didn't have time to drive out to Sunset Crater for a "picturesque"...

32 Camelopardalis (Struve 1694)

Observation Notes: This was a little fun to line up, so near the celestial pole. Once I got there, I sighted a wide pair of pale blue stars of nearly equal magnitude. I marked them about 45 arcseconds apart with a PA of 305 degrees. Actual values are 22...

Xi Ursae Majoris (Struve 1523)

Observation Notes: This close double consisted of two yellow-orange stars very close in brightness. The northeast component was brightest, and both stars were close to riding each other's first diffraction rings. That would put their separation somewhere between one and two arcseconds. PA was about 235 degrees. Roughly extrapolating...

54 Leonis (Struve 1487)

Observation Notes: 54 Leonis showed a beautiful color combination to my eye. The primary appeared as a pale blue-green next to a deep blue secondary. Once again, I'm seeing a greenish contrast effect on a primary instead of the secondary. What can I say? I'm still trying to figure...

Gamma Leonis (Algieba / Struve 1424)

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Observation Notes: This was a stunning, pair of close orange-yellow stars. Their color reminded me of our own sun's hue during a clear, warm sunset. PA appeared to be about 130 degrees, which compares with the 1990 value of 123 degrees from the WDS Catalog. The stars were separated...

Alpha Leonis (Regulus / Struve 6)

Observation Notes: Regulus makes for a wide double with a brilliant blue-white primary that gave a reddish purple appearance to its G-type secondary star. Separation appeared to be 1/3 of the field of view, or about 240 arc seconds. The actual value is 178 arc seconds (or about 1/4...

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