December 2005 Archives

As Venus approaches inferior conjunction, there has been some discussion lately on the Amastro yahoo group about viewing the growing crescent without optical aid. I had read about the possibility of doing this long ago, but never tried it. I have what I consider to be pretty hefty naked-eye astigmatism...

Messier 50

Observation Notes: This was my second observation and sketch of M50. I wanted to give more attention to the entire thing, and I'm glad I did. The initial impression that I got was of a couple spiraling arms of stars spinning clockwise from the south and eastern sides of...

Messier 29

Observation Notes: My first observation of this open cluster was over a year ago, and happened before I was putting more effort into my sketches. So I decided to give it another go. It's not a spectacular cluster and doesn't exactly pop out of the Milky Way backdrop, but...

Asteroid 3 Juno

Move mouse over image to see labels. Observation Notes: This was my first attempt ever at an asteroid observation. I tried finding 3 Juno based on the data supplied in Orion's TheSky software, and I hunted in vain. I checked the data at the Minor Planet Ephemeris Service and...
Move mouse over sketch to view labels. East and West noted in the sketch are Martian E/W, not celestial E/W. Observation Notes: I hadn't observed Mars for a couple months when I finally gave it a last look for the 2005 apparition. The seeing was on and off crud...

The Cerulean Arc

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