December 2004 Archives

C/2004 Q2 (Machholz) - DEC 30, 2004

The above image is a graphite sketch redrawn based on the original digital sketch. The star field was generated by Starry Night Pro 5.8. Click image for larger version. Observation Notes: Well, the weather and my schedule hasn't been cooperating too much lately for getting out under the stars...

Messier 1 - The Crab Nebula

Click image for larger version. The above sketch is an update to the original 37X version to clean it up and update formatting. The original is shown below. Observation Notes: At 37X, M1 is a smudge with soft, but not diffuse edges. It seems to be elongated northwest to southeast....

Messier 38 and NGC 1907

Observation Notes: This is my first official observation of an Auriga open cluster. The member stars are easily resolved. The main body appears to be 20' wide east to west and a bit narrower north to south (which matches up pretty nicely to the 21' dimension on the SEDS...
Flagstaff Observing - Dec. 10 & 11, 2004 I met Bill Ferris and Max Oeschlaeger once again, in the lower parking lot at the US Naval Observatory to take advantage of some calm, dark skies this past Friday. Bill's 18" Obsession was already set up, and Max had his recliner...

C/2004 Q2 (Machholz) - DEC 11, 2004

Observation Notes: Since viewing Machholz the night before at the USNO, it had moved noticeably north. Light pollution here at home was pretty bad, but I think I can still see it barely by naked eye. Through the eyepiece, it is just inside the southwest edge of a triangle...

M2, M8, M39, M45, and M80 Added

I've added the last of my backlogged entries: M2 M8 M39 M45 M80 And so now, the pressure is on to get some fresh observations posted, right? :-D...
Belt of Venus Observation Record Sheets Note: although the sample images of filled-out record sheets below have my name printed on some of them, my name is not printed at the top of the pdf files. General Astronomy/DSO Record Sheet (Click thumbnail above for DSO Record sample) US Letter Size...
A productive and enjoyable observing session burst out of nowhere last night, like well-oiled rags piled up next to the water heater. Some quick emails between Bill Ferris and Max Oelschlaeger and myself set us on the road to the US Naval Observatory a few miles west of town. Max...
Observation Notes: Tonight, I thought I would try resolving M33 a bit more. After a brief look in the 32 mm eyepiece, where I noted mottling, I switched to the 10 mm EP. At first, I felt lost. But as I panned around, gradually the core became obvious, and...

M28, M55, & M73 Added

I've added 3 more legacy observations: M28, M55 and M73....

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