Nightscape Image Editing Tutorial

I just wrapped up a five-part video series that describes one of the methods I use to process nightscape photography. In particular, it focuses on dealing with excessive noise--in this case, working with a lens that only opens to f/3.5. At smaller apertures, one needs to boost ISO to especially noisy levels, or process brighter later, which still introduces greater noise. The stacking method in this tutorial series is meant to help manage excessive noise for whatever reason--small aperture, shorter exposure, older noisy sensor...

The alignment and stacking method that copes with wide angles and intervening landscapes is described in the first three videos using Lightroom, Photoshop and PTGui. The last two videos address processing steps taken in Lightroom and Photoshop to bring out the best in the image.

The finished image

Golden Valley Starlight - I

22064572405_6214dd509f_o (1).jpg

The Cerulean Arc

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This page contains a single entry by Jeremy Perez published on December 13, 2015 2:43 PM.

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