Bullialdus and Surroundings

Sketch of Bullialdus and Surroundings

Sketch of Bullialdus and Surroundings
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Observation Notes:

The seeing was horrible on the night of this observation and I had to keep the magnification to 120X and observe wider fields. There was some very nice terrain to view in the vicinity of Bullialdus. A rippled fan ran west from Bullialdus itself. Lubiniezky appeared ghosted. Bullialdus' walls were starkly terraced and a small bright peak emerged from its shadowed center. Some more rippling ran south from König.

SubjectBullialdus and Surroundings
Position20.7°S, 22.2°W
Phase/Age9.9 Days / 75% Illuminated
Size*Bullialdus: 61 km dia x 3510 m depth
König: 23 km dia x 2440 m depth
Lubiniezky: 44 km dia x 770 m depth
Darney: 15 km dia x 2620 m depth
Date/TimeAUG 29, 2009, 10:30 PM MST (AUG 30, 2009, 05:30 UT)
Observing Loc.Flagstaff, AZ - Home
InstrumentOrion SkyQuest XT8 (203 mm dia./1200 mm F/L)
Eyepieces/Mag.Pentax XW10 (120X)
ConditionsPartly cloudy, breezy
SeeingAnt. IV
SourcesAtlas of the Moon by Antoní­n Rükl 2004; Observing the Moon by Gerald North 2000.
* Based on published data.

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This page contains a single entry by Jeremy Perez published on October 4, 2009 7:52 PM.

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